Tuesday, May 31, 2005


As everyone probably has heard, Deepthroat has came out of the closet, so to speak. A man at the young age of 91, W. Mark Felt, has admitted he was Deepthroat. Just for the skeptics out there Woodward also came out and agreed with him.

So case closed, or maybe not. Lets have some critical thinking here. An old man makes an outlandish claim and gets attention. hmmmmm. Is this possible that maybe he wants attention, feels his kids have abandoned him, or afraid of that awful nurses in the home? Ok, ok maybe I am being a little harsh. He probably does believe he was Deepthroat. Maybe next week he will come out and say he was the one who talked J Edgar Hoover to cross dress, and then He was President Nixon.

Alright, his mind may not be to fresh, or it might be as sharp as ever. The problem is as he says it, we believe him after all Woodward believed him. Of course Woodward has absolutely nothing to gain out of mentioning that this guy really was Deepthroat. All he would gain is more interest in the subject, more book sales, and of course just a little publicity from an aging "reporter."

There is a valid theory that has been around for a while, that Deepthroat did not exist as an individual person. Woodward and Bernstein created this person by combining information they gathered from dozens of different people. Possibly this was a way out for Woodward so he wouldn't have to revile a false name and have people realize he is a great at information gathering, but a fraud.

Just a theory, think about it.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Polititans breaking promise??????? And Star Wars!

I can't believe it. Say it isn't so. The world must be coming to an end. The Democrats did not hold up to thier end of the bargain. They decided to filibuster. I can't believe we actually have dishonest politicians.

Ok. That's all I will say on that subject.

I just saw the 3rd and final Star Wars and I have to say it was ok. Yup, just Ok. There were some parts that were great and some parts that were so cheesy that only one word could describe them, fagasexual. Lucas did an ok job. I was disappointed because I as a huge fan of the originals, the finale one I was kind of hoping that I would come away in awe. I didn't. It was kind of a let down, but it was still worth watching.

The Star Wars movie ranking from best to worst goes like this - Episode 5, Episode 4, Episode 6, Episode 3, Episode 1, Episode 2.

It was the best of the new, but still not to the quality of the original.

Let me know your thoughts.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Nuclear Option

Nuclear Option or the Constitutional option (pending on who you talk to) has been in the news. As you know, my blog is called Uncle Jonny's World and I have an opinion on almost all things. So guess what, I want to give my opinion.

This has been brought up into the news lately due to the "compromise" with liberal republicans, and liberal democrats, but not with the people who vote for them. Unfortunately, I believe they were doing this on both sides for political gain, not for the people.

The filibuster which was not in the original constitution was brought into our government during the early 1800's. At that time it needed 67% votes to continue, later it was lowered to 60%. The filibuster is allowed by the Senate rules. The Senate can chose to change rules at any time with a 51 vote. It is there if they chose to do so. Overtime they have changed rules of the Senate, this is nothing new. However, a filibuster was meant for whoever is in the minority (if they deem necessary) to stand during there debate time, and debate. They stood in front of the Senate and talked. They talked on everything they could think of, and they did not have to step down until they had a 60 vote to overturn the filibuster. The goal was to talk on everything from a shopping list to why penguins can't fly until the mid of the night when everyone goes home but who support the filibuster and then vote.

Now all they have to do is threaten to say the word filibuster and they consider it a filibuster. If you are going to fllibuster then do it. But do it properly and not just call it a filibuster and go back into your confortable offices or back home until they come up with 60 votes.

The only compromise I believe should happen is do not allow the judges to be disenfranchised. Give them a vote, yes or no, or filibuster. Yet, if you filibuster, do it right. Don't just cry filibuster. Yet if you want to change the rules, vote on it, don't just cry about it.

That is the world according to Uncle Jonny.

Friday, May 20, 2005


Sorry if my last post seemed to put you into a depression. That was not my goal. The past couple days I have discovered something. It is a truth beyond truths.

ok you ready.

Being depressed can really bring you down!

Today I am feeling much better. I just had a rough week at work and I realized I couldn't make anyone's life better by dwelling on the bad. It makes it hard for everyone. I needed to just say a prayer and give my problems over to God. It is much easier said than done. I am a typical male. I like to do everything myself, including working through low times in my life. Those are the humbling times when it reminds me there is someone out there smarter and wiser than I. No Lindsey, I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about God.

So don't let depression bring you down. It isn't that easy, I know. Yet it does start with a decision that you are not going to let things bother you, and if they do, give it to someone else.

Thursday, May 19, 2005


Have you ever just wanted to escape from everything? I don't mean just a mental escape from your current problems. I mean just up and go. Go were? I don't know, just go. I have that feeling right now. Tomarrow will be Friday, I would to pick my wife up from work, pack a few things, call Deb (travel Agent) and just leave. Leave everything behind. Lindsey and I could just escape for a few months in the Caribbean, Hawaii, Ireland, Scotland, or anywhere not here.

Then when I feel rested and relaxed I can come back to my life. Am I the only one that feels that way?

Work lately has been rough if you couldn't tell. The past couple days I have been the "hatchet man" If somebody can't pay their propane bill I get to try to collect. If I can't collect, say goodbye to your propane. It is the job no one wants. I understand our company's view, we need to get paid. Yet they are not the one that looks in the eyes of the customers as you have to tell them they won't have anymore heat, hot water, or ability to cook. Almost everyone seems to have the same reaction; first embarrasment, second anger, third fear, and fourth desire for mercy. Now not everyone will outwardly act the same, yet you can see they all have the same internal reaction. I hate that part of my job.

Also there is a great guy I work with who is watching his wife die. This is one of the greatest guy's you could work with. Unfortunately last year his wife was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The cancer is slowly winning in this battle. She is not expected to make it past this week. She has already made it way longer than anyone would have guessed. It is hard enough to watch him go through all of this agony, I can't fathom what he must be feeling. They have been married 30 years and are truly best friends. As she deteriorates so does he. He comes into work every morning (he can't financailly afford to take any more time off) and you can tell how bad she is by looking at him. He has drastically aged in a short matter of time.

So that has been my life this week. I know I really don't have it bad. I really have a great life. My wife is healthy, I am healthy, my family is healthy, I am not in financial troubles, and yet I want to escape.

Monday, May 16, 2005

I love America

It is Monday morning about 10:35. I am here to say I love America. We live in such a worry free, time doesn't matter, happy go lucky society (note the sarcasm).

This morning I woke and went into work early on my day off to get some paper work done. Since I was donating my time to my employer I was hoping to sneak in and sneak out quickly. As you can probably imagine that did not happen.

On my way into work I was caught up in some delightful "construction." First thing in the morning the geniuses at the DOT decided in the middle of busiest time and road we are going to shut it down to one lane for about 3 miles. This is not the part I was most bitter about; I understand that work must be done on out roads for upkeep. The problem was I waited without moving for about 20 min and then I started to creep up towards the one way. As I slowly went through the "construction" I realized that there was no one working on any part of the road. The only people who were working were the ones holding the signs and telling us when we can go, and when we can stop.

I figured they just started so I was irritated but I thought they were going to start at any minute. I was wrong. On my way home from work the same thing happened. I mean the exact same thing. No one was working over 2 1/2 hours later.

Here is a message to all road crews. If you need to shut down traffic do it during the non-busy times of the day. If there is no way to avoid it please actually work!!!!

Ok, enough venting from me. I titled this one I love America for the fact of how we act. We are a bunch of time oriented, instant gratification, and greedy country. Yes, I do put myself in that classification.

I love it; we drive to McDonalds in about 2-15 min. (depending on were you live). Get your food instantly, take a loan of 24% on the Big Mac (credit card), and then complain about the cost of gas on your way home. If for some reason we are held up in traffic, or the fast food takes longer than 3 minutes we are about to have a nervous break down.

Those are my thoughts of the day.

God Bless America.

Friday, May 13, 2005

The World According to Jon

First of all I would like to give credit to me starting blogging to Ric. Please check out the web site. Also my wife just started to get into the whole blog rave. Check out Lindsey's site as well.

ahh. Ok now that I got that out of the way. The world according to Jon. You might wonder why I titled it that way. Soon you will see. Unfortunatley I have things I have to do around my house at the moment. My goal to tell my thoughts on life, politics, people, and anything I observe. For people who do not know me, I can be slightly opinionated. I just believe if people would listen to me the world would be a better place.

So that's all for now. My first of hopefully many blogs.