Tuesday, May 31, 2005


As everyone probably has heard, Deepthroat has came out of the closet, so to speak. A man at the young age of 91, W. Mark Felt, has admitted he was Deepthroat. Just for the skeptics out there Woodward also came out and agreed with him.

So case closed, or maybe not. Lets have some critical thinking here. An old man makes an outlandish claim and gets attention. hmmmmm. Is this possible that maybe he wants attention, feels his kids have abandoned him, or afraid of that awful nurses in the home? Ok, ok maybe I am being a little harsh. He probably does believe he was Deepthroat. Maybe next week he will come out and say he was the one who talked J Edgar Hoover to cross dress, and then He was President Nixon.

Alright, his mind may not be to fresh, or it might be as sharp as ever. The problem is as he says it, we believe him after all Woodward believed him. Of course Woodward has absolutely nothing to gain out of mentioning that this guy really was Deepthroat. All he would gain is more interest in the subject, more book sales, and of course just a little publicity from an aging "reporter."

There is a valid theory that has been around for a while, that Deepthroat did not exist as an individual person. Woodward and Bernstein created this person by combining information they gathered from dozens of different people. Possibly this was a way out for Woodward so he wouldn't have to revile a false name and have people realize he is a great at information gathering, but a fraud.

Just a theory, think about it.


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