Friday, May 20, 2005


Sorry if my last post seemed to put you into a depression. That was not my goal. The past couple days I have discovered something. It is a truth beyond truths.

ok you ready.

Being depressed can really bring you down!

Today I am feeling much better. I just had a rough week at work and I realized I couldn't make anyone's life better by dwelling on the bad. It makes it hard for everyone. I needed to just say a prayer and give my problems over to God. It is much easier said than done. I am a typical male. I like to do everything myself, including working through low times in my life. Those are the humbling times when it reminds me there is someone out there smarter and wiser than I. No Lindsey, I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about God.

So don't let depression bring you down. It isn't that easy, I know. Yet it does start with a decision that you are not going to let things bother you, and if they do, give it to someone else.


Blogger Tom said...

500 pound squat? Why do I think that followed a Thanksgiving dinner! LOL!

6:04 PM  

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