Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Nuclear Option

Nuclear Option or the Constitutional option (pending on who you talk to) has been in the news. As you know, my blog is called Uncle Jonny's World and I have an opinion on almost all things. So guess what, I want to give my opinion.

This has been brought up into the news lately due to the "compromise" with liberal republicans, and liberal democrats, but not with the people who vote for them. Unfortunately, I believe they were doing this on both sides for political gain, not for the people.

The filibuster which was not in the original constitution was brought into our government during the early 1800's. At that time it needed 67% votes to continue, later it was lowered to 60%. The filibuster is allowed by the Senate rules. The Senate can chose to change rules at any time with a 51 vote. It is there if they chose to do so. Overtime they have changed rules of the Senate, this is nothing new. However, a filibuster was meant for whoever is in the minority (if they deem necessary) to stand during there debate time, and debate. They stood in front of the Senate and talked. They talked on everything they could think of, and they did not have to step down until they had a 60 vote to overturn the filibuster. The goal was to talk on everything from a shopping list to why penguins can't fly until the mid of the night when everyone goes home but who support the filibuster and then vote.

Now all they have to do is threaten to say the word filibuster and they consider it a filibuster. If you are going to fllibuster then do it. But do it properly and not just call it a filibuster and go back into your confortable offices or back home until they come up with 60 votes.

The only compromise I believe should happen is do not allow the judges to be disenfranchised. Give them a vote, yes or no, or filibuster. Yet, if you filibuster, do it right. Don't just cry filibuster. Yet if you want to change the rules, vote on it, don't just cry about it.

That is the world according to Uncle Jonny.


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