Saturday, May 28, 2005

Polititans breaking promise??????? And Star Wars!

I can't believe it. Say it isn't so. The world must be coming to an end. The Democrats did not hold up to thier end of the bargain. They decided to filibuster. I can't believe we actually have dishonest politicians.

Ok. That's all I will say on that subject.

I just saw the 3rd and final Star Wars and I have to say it was ok. Yup, just Ok. There were some parts that were great and some parts that were so cheesy that only one word could describe them, fagasexual. Lucas did an ok job. I was disappointed because I as a huge fan of the originals, the finale one I was kind of hoping that I would come away in awe. I didn't. It was kind of a let down, but it was still worth watching.

The Star Wars movie ranking from best to worst goes like this - Episode 5, Episode 4, Episode 6, Episode 3, Episode 1, Episode 2.

It was the best of the new, but still not to the quality of the original.

Let me know your thoughts.


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