High Court "Just Says No" to Mary Jane
This is a tragedy. It is just one out of many rulings that overstep their boundary and create a larger federal government.
To those who don't know our supreme court made a dicision earlier this week that pimp slaps the state government. According to our "all knowing" justices (6-3 decision) those who live in a state with legalized marijuana (for medicinal use only) and choose to participate are still breaking the law. They believe this is right by using the interstate comerse clause.
How is this interstate commerce? California has legalized pot for medicinal uses. They grow their own, distribute their own to there own citizens. They do not distribute out of the state. All states with legalized cannabis follow the same guideline. If there is no product for sale across state lines, how is this interstate commerce? The interstate means in between states.
This law has nothing to do with hemp. It is our government overstepping their boundaries yet again. For those who don't know (short American history lesson) our federal government was established for 2 purposes; 1 to regulate interstate commerse, 2 for protection (military). Each State was their own government, with there own laws, own regulations. If you did not like it, you could move to another state that may have a different law. We were originally designed much like the EU (European Union) is now. Each state it's own entity joined with other states to control the 2 issues mentioned abouve. Henceforth, the UNITED STATES of America.
Our government was originally set up with checks and balances. No one branch has more power than the other. This is no longer the case. The most powerful branch is the judicial branch. Yet the judges are not even elected. Our legislative and executive branch needs to gain some gonads and stand up against this oppression.
I know those 2 other branches are still oppressors and our not part of our original constitutional government. Yet that is another blog another day.
Again this is not about weed. It is about a socialistic government out of control.
To those who don't know our supreme court made a dicision earlier this week that pimp slaps the state government. According to our "all knowing" justices (6-3 decision) those who live in a state with legalized marijuana (for medicinal use only) and choose to participate are still breaking the law. They believe this is right by using the interstate comerse clause.
How is this interstate commerce? California has legalized pot for medicinal uses. They grow their own, distribute their own to there own citizens. They do not distribute out of the state. All states with legalized cannabis follow the same guideline. If there is no product for sale across state lines, how is this interstate commerce? The interstate means in between states.
This law has nothing to do with hemp. It is our government overstepping their boundaries yet again. For those who don't know (short American history lesson) our federal government was established for 2 purposes; 1 to regulate interstate commerse, 2 for protection (military). Each State was their own government, with there own laws, own regulations. If you did not like it, you could move to another state that may have a different law. We were originally designed much like the EU (European Union) is now. Each state it's own entity joined with other states to control the 2 issues mentioned abouve. Henceforth, the UNITED STATES of America.
Our government was originally set up with checks and balances. No one branch has more power than the other. This is no longer the case. The most powerful branch is the judicial branch. Yet the judges are not even elected. Our legislative and executive branch needs to gain some gonads and stand up against this oppression.
I know those 2 other branches are still oppressors and our not part of our original constitutional government. Yet that is another blog another day.
Again this is not about weed. It is about a socialistic government out of control.
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